Get To Know Your Farmers!
Proudly your Farmers, Trevor & Erin Spencer
It all started with chickens
Have you ever tried something new, “just for fun”, and had it turn into a passion? Well, it all started with a few chickens!
Combine a goal for natural health through wholesome nutrition, a love for delicious food, a strong bond with animals, a lot of grit and dedication…and here we are! Ta da!
Our journey has led us to farming in Central Oregon, with a focus on heritage grass fed lamb. Beef is literally everywhere. We are bringing a new flavor to the table for you!
Wether you’re just getting started exploring local food choices, or you’ve been shopping local for years - we are here for you!
Our lamb will satisfy your special occasion with friends or mix up the family’s weeknight dinner plans! You can eat our lamb assured you’re putting your health first, while experiencing mouth-watering flavor.
I know not everyone can raise their own meat or grow their own food, but that doesn’t mean quality food should be unattainable. Allow us to be your farmer and source for locally raised meat.
A little more backstory of how we got here…
Guilty admission - Trevor used to eat a lot of fast food. I usually with-held from the fast food but often ate food that was convenient. Trevor also used to regularly experience digestion issues and I was dealing with acid reflux to the point of taking prescription medications.
At the time we were living in Salem, Oregon on a nice little one acre property. Embracing the “country life”, we got a few chickens for fresh eggs and fun - Trevor’s idea, surprisingly enough!
We met our new neighbors who were growing and raising a lot of their own food. Little did we know at the time what a wonderful influence they would have on us!
They had two young daughters, one of whom had medical issues when she was young. They discovered it was attributed to a lot of food added ingredients. The un-natural stuff you can’t pronounce on cartons and boxes.
Wanting to know what was in the food they were feeding their kids, they started to grow their own food and cook with whole foods. With just that simple change, their daughter started to get better!
At first, I was mostly excited and jealous of their cute sheep. Who doesn’t love watching little lambs run around??
But I got more curious. I had questions, you guys!
Does how we eat really affect our health and how we feel?
How does the way something is grown or raised affect the nutritional value of that food?
What impact do certain methods of farming have on our land? - What is this “sustainable farming” thing all about?
Do these differences change the flavor of food?
That was it, the fire was lit and blazing! My passion was growing and there was no stopping it. We planted a garden, we learned how to can our own food, and we raised our first batch of meat chickens right in our backyard on fresh grass!
I started cooking more. With fresh ingredients. With local food. With veggies we grew, meat we raised, or knew where it came from. I kept it simple and easy. And it was DELICIOUS!!
Not only do I love devouring the flavors of fresh local food, I love sharing with others. We have enjoyed many belly filling and spirit lifting meals gathered with friends and family.
As our eating habits changed, so did our health. I was able to wean off medications for acid reflux and Trevor’s digestive issues improved significantly. Turns out, what you eat matters!
We look forward to meeting you soon and supporting each other in living healthy, naturally, and enjoying simply delicious food.